List of Terminated operators

List of  Terminated operators Detail  (Last Updated on 22/09/2023)

S.No. Registration No. Operator Name Operator Type Scope Certification No. Action Action From Date CB Remarks
1 ORG-1902-000515 SURVERSINH MOHANBAVA RANA INDIVIDUAL PRODUCER ORG/SC/1904/001182     Terminated 01/06/2021 Soil sample was analyzed and thiamethoxam was found in soil sample
2 ORG-2001-000011 AMIT BADRUDIN SAMNANI INDIVIDUAL PRODUCER ORG/SC/2005/000990     Terminated 19/04/2021 The operator soil sample was drawn by inspector and analyzed. The result show the evidence of imidacloprid (Chemical pesticide) above BLQ which may primafacie evinced the breach of organic integrity.
3 ORG-1901-000149 SANATKUMAR HARISHANKAR JOSHI INDIVIDUAL PRODUCER ORG/SC/1903/000801     Terminated 24/01/2020 Repeated major NC of buffer zone in all field in various side is not rectified by operator.
4 ORG-1902-000477 PATEL DAXESHKUMAR KANUBHAI INDIVIDUAL PRODUCER ORG/SC/1904/001178    Terminated 13/01/2020 BT cotton sown & Buffer zone not maintain as major repeated NC not rectify by operator 
5 ORG-1707-000994 KANJIBHAI DHANJIBHAI DHANDHUKIYA INDIVIDUAL PRODUCER ORG/SC/1711/002240    Terminated 13/09/2019 Operator sowing BT cotton in Kharif-2019. and not rectify major NC 
6 ORG-1812-002554 PATEL MANIBHAI SHIVABHAI INDIVIDUAL PRODUCER ORG/SC/1903/000924    Terminated 16/08/2019 Operator not implemented rectification of NC.Operator willingly unregistered from certification programme 
7 ORG-1604-000452 Dilipbhai Amrutbhai Patel INDIVIDUAL PRODUCER ORG/SC/1607/001535     Terminated 14/05/2019 Operator not give rectification of Major NC of un announce inspectioninspection